You must conform

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Germany - Titisee-neustadt

Today, I'm the only grandchild who regularly visits, calls, and runs errands for my grandparents, even though I live two hours away. I'm also their biggest disappointment because I'm not married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 533
You deserved it 1 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go with the flow and ignore it. I am 41, married, have kids, and my grandma still thinks I am gay, all because I didn't care about girls when I was a teenager. As long as you are happy with your life the way it is, who cares what the grandparents think.

If I've learned anything from rom-coms, it's that hiring an actor to play your husband will result in marriage. You should start taking tips from movies. It's guaranteed to work.


Radi0activ3 15

It shouldn't matter what your grandma thinks. Just live your life however you want to and be sure to enjoy it. That's all that really matters

(fun) fact. human beings have a filter in their brain that controls your judgement. after your 50's this filter starts to degenerate so that's why older people are often more and also easier judgemental. breathe and let it go :)

LOL It's because you do the most for them and they see you so often they feel entitled to judge your life more. Take it for what you will, but it still is out of love.

We have a say... Do good whether people worth it or not... If they are worth it you got it right. If they are not, you are worth it

Op, you are nice for doing so much for them. However, if they are not going to appreciate the time and effort you put in, you might scale back. I would also tell them that you are the only person who drives 2 hours to help them. That they need to either appreciate that or find someone else to drive them around.

Are you the one who went to pawpaw?

Saluriel 12

Just stop. They don't appreciate you and will only continue to verbally and emotionally abuse you as well as take advantage of your kindness. Perhaps this is bias on my part, but I had to spend nearly a decade convincing my own mother to stop being so dedicated to her own horrifically abusive parents. She was certain that if she stopped sacrificing herself and destroying her life for them that it would make her a bad person. People have to face the consequences of their actions. The consequences of yours are that your parents continue to take you for granted and repay your kindness with abuse. The consequences of their actions are that you keep helping them. They're not going to change their ways if they see that abuse makes you keep coming back. Stop helping them and make them understand that cruelty drives people away. Perhaps they'll learn to be nicer people once they lose their punching bag.

hate to say it but maybe spend some more time trying to get married rather than visiting them and see if that changes their attitude. there is plenty of time to get married but only so much time with them. maybe they don't realize it. I mean this as respectfully and sincerely as possible

yellowzinnias 20

I can relate, OP. I am 32. I obtained my B.A. with tons of honors and my M.A. with distinction and I am starting my Ph.D. Still, each time I go home to visit, my aunts all give me the "sympathetic head tilt" and say things like, "Still not married, huh? Don't you want to do something with your life?"