"Why are you booing me? I'm right"

By Anonymous - 29/06/2021 18:00

Today, I broke my toe on a decorative statue I bought for our front yard. My husband warned me it took up too much space and was a hazard, and now I get to hear him say, "I told you so." FML
I agree, your life sucks 369
You deserved it 1 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As one of those husbands perpetually saying, it's too expensive, we don't need it or have space for it, but if you insist, it's your money, he told you so and you kind of deserve it...

Ambrily 27

Well, but he actually told you so, so what else could he say?


As one of those husbands perpetually saying, it's too expensive, we don't need it or have space for it, but if you insist, it's your money, he told you so and you kind of deserve it...

Ambrily 27

Well, but he actually told you so, so what else could he say?

You broke a toe... I'm failing to see how the statue is a hazard; just don't kick it in the future.

rotflqtms_ 21

If you don't wamt him to say "I told you so," and if he doesn't already know you broke your toe, don't tell him. Pretend it isn't broken, or that you hurt your foot in some other way. Or... just accept that he was right and you were wrong and it was a hazard. You can't ALWAYS be right.

Dirtysalamander1 13

he will find out when he sees the hospital bill. don't try to hide something important from your S/O. it doesn't go well.

Dirtysalamander1 13