What logic is that?

By Anonymous - 01/07/2022 16:00

Today, my parents lectured me on whether it was a good idea to let my girlfriend stay at the home of her ex boyfriend… and his husband. I’m 44 and trust her. My parents didn’t trust this logic and doubled down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 763
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're 44. Why are you still listening to your parents?

I'm sorry. I'm with them. The ex is clearly bisexual so your girlfriend is not off the table. You're stupid.


You're 44. Why are you still listening to your parents?

kitten79TX 5

1. Why are your parents involved? 2. Why is your girlfriend staying with her ex-husband..... red flag.

I'm sorry. I'm with them. The ex is clearly bisexual so your girlfriend is not off the table. You're stupid.

She may have just been a beard. It’s quite possible he tried dating women before admitting to the world he wasn’t into that and coming out. In my experience with friends who have come out from conservative families it’s not an uncommon occurrence, and given his parents’ reaction it’s not unlikely they come from such circles, so hers may too.

Nikki 17

You should tell you parents that men don’t own women anymore and that she can make her own decisions without you ‘letting’ her

wrenavery90 12

,why does it matter what your parents think? As you said. You're 44.

ChrisCFS 12

it's for sure a red flag and to many possibilities. But it comes down to what your ok with. just need to be prepared for what those choices bring. better man than me. I bet you wouldn't be able to stay with your ex and her new GF or BF and her new ok with it.