Diagnosis unconfirmed

By Anonymous - 23/09/2022 21:30

Today, I've been suffering from unbearable headache, fever, agonizing body pain for more than ten days. I took a COVID test, an antibiotic tablets course, even a dengue test. Finally after spending my entire bank balance on tests and MRI, it was diagnosed as a migraine - which went away with a single tablet. FML
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Same thing different taste

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That’s tough! I suffer occasionally from migraines myself. At least now you know the problem and the migraine pill worked. By the way sometimes migraines are triggered by certain foods - At least in my case I have to avoid cured meats which commonly contain nitrates - such as bacon, ham etc. Be aware that there is a delay of typically several hours between the meal and the migraine if you are food sensitive.

Antibiotics is not something you take yourself, these are prescribed by a doctor.


That’s tough! I suffer occasionally from migraines myself. At least now you know the problem and the migraine pill worked. By the way sometimes migraines are triggered by certain foods - At least in my case I have to avoid cured meats which commonly contain nitrates - such as bacon, ham etc. Be aware that there is a delay of typically several hours between the meal and the migraine if you are food sensitive.

mattiagardin 15

Antibiotics for a migraine? You're not very smart, are you?

At the same time, body pains are not common with a migraine, unless you're an octopus.

Antibiotics were probably for the fever and body pain.

Antibiotics is not something you take yourself, these are prescribed by a doctor.