Well trained

By Anonymous - 16/11/2022 16:00

Today, I paid for earrings at a craft fair. A kid came up from behind and started crying. The kid's mom said the kid saw earrings first and dropped them to grab an adult. The kid was allowed to cry hysterically until the hall went silent. I said, “You can have it.” Suddenly, the kid stops crying and the mom goes, “Oh that’s so kind, are you sure?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 868
You deserved it 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you actually gave them the earrings, you're a doormat.

Kid would've cried until it passed out waiting on me to give them up.


Kid would've cried until it passed out waiting on me to give them up.

If you actually gave them the earrings, you're a doormat.

I would have taken those earrings after paying for them, and put them in while the kid was hysterical

« Just pay me back. » I hope this was at least your next sentence…..

Please say you didn't give the earrings to them.

should’ve sold it to em with a higher asking price

I despise people like this... this is our future. A bunch of self-entitled brats who are used to getting everything on a silver platter, and if they throw a tantrum, they still get their way. I hope reality bites them so hard on the ass they can't sit down right for the rest of their greedy lives. And you should NOT have given them the earrings.