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By evilsandwich - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - London

Today, after house-sitting for a week, I came home to find the house in which I rent a basement suite has all but burned to the ground. My landlord didn't even bother to tell me about the fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 710
You deserved it 2 182

Top comments

Well that went up in flames. What an ash-hole.

That sucks OP. Sorry to hear. Hope you find a new place soon.


Sue your landlord and go to court if he has insurance and say you want half of it or ask for the total amount of your rent back..

The good news is that you were not in the home when it caught on fire! Basement apartments can be harder to escape from depending on the set up and where the fire was in the house

Depending on where you live, they may not be obligated to tell you unless someone died.

I retract my comment, I had to reread for it to correctly make sense.

Depending on where you live and the state laws in your area, your landlord could go to jail for that

Hope you had renter's insurance. cause your personal stuff isn't covered by the landlord's homeowner's policy.

How the hell do 896 people think OP deserved this?