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By evilsandwich - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - London

Today, after house-sitting for a week, I came home to find the house in which I rent a basement suite has all but burned to the ground. My landlord didn't even bother to tell me about the fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 710
You deserved it 2 182

Top comments

Well that went up in flames. What an ash-hole.

That sucks OP. Sorry to hear. Hope you find a new place soon.


mimiminx 23

Why did you leave your own house empty to house sit someone else's empty house?!

Hope you had rental content insurance ! Best thing you can ever do to be prepared for situations like this ... Sorry op !

my2centsworth 15

He thought you died in the fire.

Oh that really sucks I'm sure he knew about it too

Did you forget to blow out those candles before you left?

xrawritsashleyx 11

Damn that sucks :/ my boyfriends house completely burned down a month ago, everything was gone and 3 animals survived out of 18 total. it's been a tough time so I can only imagine what you've been going through. :/ hope things get better and hopefully no animals or nothing REALLY valuable that can't be replaced was lost

SeepingSarcasm 7

Holy shit! Your boyfriend use to have 18 animals in his house?

xrawritsashleyx 11

Yeah! He's 18 and was still living with his parents. Noone was home, but his mom would take in kittens she would find in the wild. He had 13 cats (most were only a year old ): ) 4 dogs and 1 bird. 2 older cats and 1 dog, a husky, survived. That's it );

Unless the OP's landlord lived in that house he/she doesn't have to look for a new place to live. Or has to replace personal belongings.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

"Didnt even bother" so sad!

Wow. Did your landlord know you were housesitting? What an ass that he couldn't be bothered to tell you.