We Are Family

By bad dad - 15/03/2020 00:01

Today, I met my paternal grandparents for the first time, since my dad was never in my life and my mom wouldn’t talk about him. According to them, I have at least 28 other siblings from him, and who knows how many that haven’t come forward. No wonder my mom always hated him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 010
You deserved it 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

someone needs to snip that mans balls right off!!!

Susan Yee 9

Hopefully because he donated to sperm bank.


someone needs to snip that mans balls right off!!!

Susan Yee 9

Hopefully because he donated to sperm bank.

Bless that man.. I strive for that sh1t.. be grateful amen

bloopaloop 27

Ever seen the movie “Idiocracy”?

Are we related by any chance? My father also has children well into the double digits, I even know some of them.