Unhygienic or he's a natural hunter-gatherer

By Anonymous - 03/04/2020 05:00

Today, I found my missing wedding band inside my 2-year old's pull up. It was accompanied by two coins, a Hot Wheels car, a pebble, and a dead bug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 596
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sourgirl101 28

Most likely the kid just put the items in their pull ups like they were pockets?

WistayShlaio82 13

Cool kid, keep an eye on your stuff for the rest of his life. He’s gonna regularly steal your shit.


Your kid has pica. With what he eats and poops out, he could become a circus act!

sourgirl101 28

Most likely the kid just put the items in their pull ups like they were pockets?

That makes more sense, but is less funny.

sourgirl101 28

Well you did make me look up what pica was so now I feel smarter. (:

Haha! See? I inspire learning even when I'm off the clock!😂😂😂

WistayShlaio82 13

Cool kid, keep an eye on your stuff for the rest of his life. He’s gonna regularly steal your shit.

zeffra13 31

I guess be glad he's not potty trained yet?

So, was the Pull-Up used? Or did the kid just stuff things into it? Regardless, sounds like someone needs to stop putting valuables within reach (as in the wedding band and coins). As for the other things, time to start teaching him what he should and shouldn't be doing and putting in his mouth.

leximichelle 13

Sounds more like the kid has been shoving objects directly into his/her pull up, and not eating everything as people keep assuming (Hot Wheels are too big for an adult to swallow, people). Regardless, YDI for not keeping a closer eye on your child and keeping choking hazards away from a child who is clearly unattended for stretches of time. I sincerely hope you use this as a wake up call to be more careful about keeping your child safe before something terrible happens.

Wow so how often do you check your child's pull up?