
By Anonymous - 14/04/2022 02:00

Today, I snapped my banjo string while vigorously masturbating. I was so ashamed, I told the doctor I did it during sex, but I could tell they didn’t believe me. I want to curl up and die but that hurts my stitches, so I guess I’ll have to lie flat on my back and die instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 665
You deserved it 1 468

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Condolences for your pain. Masturbation shouldn't cause injury. You should consult your doctor about how to prevent this in the future. They have undoubtedly seen weirder shit.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

I think you need to look up "banjo string" on Urban Dictionary 😂


Baka Loli 10

How?.... Literally what the heck were you doing? Were you literally "penetrating" the banjo through the strings for friction? I don't kink shame, but you asked for that one.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

I think you need to look up "banjo string" on Urban Dictionary 😂

Wtf were you doing with that poor banjo?? …or is “banjo string” like a “g string”?

'Banjo string' seems to be slang for 'frenulum'

Ah, yes, like in that movie, "Scarface" Say 'allo to my leetle frenulum! Al Pacino is the best!

Cue up the music from "Deliverance." If he refers to his dick as a banjo string, he has lots of troubles down there.

JimmyOblues 6

“He got a pretty mouth.”

Condolences for your pain. Masturbation shouldn't cause injury. You should consult your doctor about how to prevent this in the future. They have undoubtedly seen weirder shit.

mccuish 25

I don’t understand what I just read

diraven 15

I hear you, dude. One time I smashed my guitar while wanking. Had to buy a whole new one.

Fender or Gibson? Electric or acoustic?

Your poor banjo. I always keep extra strings around for just such emergencies,

diraven 15

Oh I just looked up what that is (unfortunately). Just go ahead and complete the circumcision, it's really not that bad.