
By Anonymous - 08/01/2022 02:01

Today, while I was at work, my dumbass husband gave his dead rabbit a Viking funeral by sending it down the river behind our house in a crate he set on fire. It got stuck on a tree, which caught on fire, along with the field and the warehouse next to the field. The police think he did it on purpose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 608
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who's dumber in this story: your husband or the cops? Just recover the scorched rabbit carcass to support the idiot Viking funeral claim.

I'm sorry that's an FML for you but for some reason this has me crying with laughter. Every detail is perfect. I'm just wondering how old your husband is.


Aiden89 23

Who's dumber in this story: your husband or the cops? Just recover the scorched rabbit carcass to support the idiot Viking funeral claim.

I'm sorry that's an FML for you but for some reason this has me crying with laughter. Every detail is perfect. I'm just wondering how old your husband is.

Wadlaen 23

As a norwegian (like many of the vikings) I've got to say this sounds exactly like the vikings would have done it!😅

Trevain 0

This is too funny, my mind went straight to DOOM where demons killed Doom guys pet bunny daisy and I can't get I out of my head now