By faitoh - 23/05/2013 22:00 - United Kingdom - Lisburn

Today, whilst driving past a cyclist, I thought it would be funny to make him jump by blasting my horn right behind him and then driving off. I guess he thought it would be funny to catch up with me, yank off my wing-mirror, and hurl it through the open window at my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 710
You deserved it 117 310

faitoh tells us more.

Um, OP here. Scared to reply because of the abuse I've been getting but obviously I deserved it, I know that. 1. I guess I posted it as an FML because I realised how much of a dick/arsehole/****/wanker I'd been... 2. The guy wasn't cycling to the side like he should have been, he was more out to the middle. I just lost my cool to be honest, if he doesn't care about his safety by doing that, why should I bother about not making him jump? (unpopular opinion obviously...) 3. I should probably point out that this was a quiet road, I was the only car, otherwise I wouldn't have done it, which may be surprising to some of you... 4. He caught up to me because I slowed back down to normal speed after about 30 seconds. Guess he was stronger than I thought. 5. I KNOW I'm a colossal twat. But I still hate cyclists. Some of them are SO up their own arses. Having said that, I WILL NEVER EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN.

Top comments

flockz 19

**** my life i'm a colossal douche.

He was right. It is funny, because you were being an a-hole.


You 100% deserved it. As a cyclist in the UK myself, I'd have done exactly the same ******* thing. You are a huge ******* douchebag that doesn't deserve to be on the roads. Cyclists have a right not to be threatened by you driving dangerously or blasting your horn right next to them and because they don't have to have lessons or pass a test before they take to the road, that cyclist had more right to be there than you do you ******* nobhead. Stop thinking you own the roads and drive carefully around cyclists and this won't happen again. Dick.

I wouldn't say they have more of a right... I mean that just makes no sense. Also I like the point you made about the fact that they don't have to have any lessons or pass any tests before they can take to the road. I think they should. It's a friggen joke, if they want to ride on the road they should have to know the road rules too.

Most of them do. At least the sensible ones do.

cabreraza 14

Yeah but think about it sometimes you see young teenagers or pretend on the roads too. Then there are children who have bicycles. I think it would really limit who could be cycling on the roads at that point. It's meant to encourage exercise and fitness health. The cyclists are more in danger than the drivers they are more exposed and more at risk of a car accident.

Of course they're in more danger, they're not surrounded by a metal cage but as long as a cyclist follows the rules of the road and knows how to cycle safely and sometimes if the situation calls for it, defensively such as cycling in the middle of the road through traffic islands and other "pinch points" to prevent drivers from overtaking through these points, which would be dangerous then the cyclist should be fine.

Yeh you probably shouldn't TRY to harm them.... but jeez they are annoying. I think it's because they are constantly in the way, they don't pay any registration to ride on the road, the government spends so much money on making great bike tracks for these morons and yet they still remain in my way every day.

The cyclists are in your way? Tell me, when you're in a traffic jam, what's in front of you, a bike or a car? Yeah I thought so. How are cyclists in your way when they're only like a 10th of the width of a car.

Not talking about traffic jams. Talking about when you can't pass them and have to slow to a crawl when they could be on one of the bike tracks the government wastes millions on.

Oh and to add, I'm not sure what you're referring to as bike tracks, but if you're referring to BMX tracks, most of the cyclists you see on the roads are commuters and don't wish to cycle on a BMX track cos it won't get them anywhere. If you're referring to cycle lanes, then they are often badly painted, dangerous and full of debris, which isn't good for a cyclist. And if you're referring to cycle facilities such as cycle superhighways or shared use paths yes this can help cyclists avoid the use of the roads but not all SUPs or super highways go where the cyclist wants to go and may also be badly built.

Idk about the UK.. but in Melbourne Australia the government builds A LOT of bike tracks that can get you quite far. They cost a lot in taxpayers money.

legal371 5

Oh yes. God forbid we don't register to use a vehicle that's man powered and puny. And oh, in your way? You see that white line? That's for the BIKES AND PEDESTRIANS. Asswipe.

You sir and or madam are an idiot not everywhere has bike tracks like where I live as its a small town basically with the exceptions of a school two gas stations a bar and a mom and pop grocer its pretty much churches cemeteries and farm land

cryssycakesx3 22

she's not talking about where anyone else lives, where she lives there are special places for them and i bet it is annoying when they don't use it.

Kimmy___888 8

I hope he hit you with the mirror and left a nice bruise so that you get to explain to everyone what a dick you are.

I would throw a mirror at some one who did that to me to.

cabreraza 14

This made my life. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

avapaige1234 19

Well he showed you. Next time maybe you'll think before you do something stupid!

football98_fml 20

wat a loser.... das all i hav to say

Are you so busy that one extra letter every now and then is too much? Or correct punctuation?