By 00Evan - 05/04/2009 13:48 - Australia

Today, while working at a Subway store right next to a big hospital, there was a big line of people all getting their subs toasted. Without turning around, I asked the next person in line, "I'll bet you want yours extra toasted?" She was a burns victim from the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 542
You deserved it 79 627

00Evan tells us more.

00Evan 0

Hey, I'm the original poster. I think comment #78 has the right idea - I wasnt saying it in a rude way, just sort of jokingly, since the last few people had all said toasted. Was just putting theirs in the oven and getting her order at the same time.

Top comments

Why bother making an assy remark like that in the first place, burn victim or not? What were you thinking? >_


thats not yer fault, just a coincidence.

SpunkT 0

Jesus christ everyone who's saying it's their fault, you're all retarded. I'm with #36, unless it was in a snotty tone that's not rude or inappropriate or careless. It's a sub shop, lost of people were getting toasted subs, it's only natural to ask that question. It's not like they turned around, saw the burn victim and THEN said it. That would have been careless/rude. I love how everyone on FML is like "OMG how could you be so stupid!!" Everyone does stupid shit, and you always forgive yourself for it but are quick to judge others. This isn't the OP's fault.

I don't think it was stupid or rude. The OP was trying to joke around with their customer, not make a rude comment. If I were their customer and they had asked me, I would have laughed along.

vers_fml 0

haha #14 called them costumers. that makes me think they were the human torch?

JackFrost 0

"Today, I ventured out of the burn center of the hospital for the first time to get one of my favorite subs at Subway. I was already self conscious about being out in public with burns when the cashier told me I probably wanted my sub "extra toasted." FML." I feel more bad for the customer. But honestly, I wouldn't have been expecting a burns victim to be in line at the exact time I made that remark, so I don't think you deserve it. It's still more of a FHL than a FYL though.

I guess you were just trying to say that to be friendly, and to try and make a joke. But god that's awkward that when you turned around it turned out to be a burn victim. Did she react to it in a bad way? Or was she alright with it and got that you were just playing around?

darronlee 0

Nest time don't ASSume. Haha, I'm joking.

spanky_ 0

Why would u say this in the first place?? Its not like customers care what the people in front of them ordered, so even if it wasn't a burn victim it isn't like someone would know that all the other people were having their sandwiches toasted... right??

I can see if it was said in a snotty manner which would be a big no-no. The other thing is that just because you see the pattern people are wanting it toasted, doesn't mean the customer knows that's the trend that day. It's like making veggie subs all day long and then having a extremely obese person coming in and making a remark like "oh I bet you want a veggie sub" and making her upset about her weigth (and from a number of FMLs weight seems to make up a lot of them). I think it was more inappropriate or bad timing since you didn't actively engage the customer with eye contact or something along that manner before you began speaking to them (just common decency and etiquette). From a website: Studies show that if you do not make eye contact with someone you are speaking to then they do not think that you are either engaged in the conversation or you are trying to be deceptive.