By Quackers - 11/04/2012 15:39 - United States - Denver

Today, while running in the park, I noticed some ducks in a pond. I stopped to look at them and began quacking at them, to see if they would react. This would have been OK had I not been wearing ear-buds, blasting music, making me unable to realize just how loud I was quacking. With people all around. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 505
You deserved it 37 314

Same thing different taste


Ducks need friends too, ya know. Soo do u speak duck now? ;)

i sometimes do this and when ppl look i go omg them ducks are so loud and annoying and run off

This would of been okay? Even if you were by yourself, thats not okay. YDI

I did that to geese once. I was chased. Not very pretty...

Kendraluv 0

Y would u quak to them they would prob run off as usual anyway?