By drurbanXVII - 25/05/2009 21:42 - United States

Today, while playing The Sims 2, I realized I had a virtual person's whole life planned out, and have nothing planned out for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 248
You deserved it 49 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could tell you to get off your fat ass and do something other then play sims, but then I'd be a hypocrite.

cadillac_blues 0

i find myself in that situation a few too many times....can't wait for the Sims 3!!!!!


Laiaira 0

I freaking love Sims 2. I play it all the time, and it's just my relaxer. Some people chill out after work with tv, I chill out by making my Sims do their routines. I also am one of those players that has to be "in control", I never let them do what they want... pretty sad, I guess. :) I don't care though, because I love that game so. So excited for Sims 3!!!

Oh shut up, we don't care, thats not something that happened to you, it's your own choice in your own contol...

went over to my friend's house. she was having her sims clean their house. their house was spotless. hers....notsomuch

Anovadea 0

Don't worry, life never goes as you plan it anyway, so don't beat yourself up about it. (Ok, things like "I'd like to get a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself" are good to do a little planning for, but don't go overboard planning your whole life)

Video games are acceptable for doing things you can't feasibly do in real life. Playing in the NFL, shooting aliens, etc. Getting a job, decorating your house, making friends...these are things you should be able to manage in the real world. Loser.

themixedt4pe 0

May I suggest that you try writing? If you're good at coming up with other peoples' lives and planning them out... all you need is a plot and you've got a story. =)

fortunesque 0

Boo-frickin-hoo. Lots of people don't know what they're doing in life.

Pft.... I agree with #123 - some people never work out what they wanna do. Besides, Sims is just a game, and lots of people like playing virtual things. I love playing shooters, but I'd never want to shoot someone in real life. Grow up...

Nawhhh 0

Story of my life, but not the sims part.