By Cheyennereed - 17/02/2013 15:50 - United States - Shaw A F B

Today, while on my way to the movies, I stopped at a gas station to pick up candy so I could avoid the high prices at the movies. The guy who tore my ticket asked for my purse, confiscated my candy, and then kicked me out of the movie theater. That guy was my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 680
You deserved it 9 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow what an ass. Maybe he was angry because you were going to the movies without him?

wlddog 14

Some rules are just meant to be broken.


5280420 13

It's not against the law to bring your own candy. What the boyfriend did was illegal.

jem970 19

No but it is frowned upon and it can get you kicked out of the theater.

Axel5238 29

Yes it is against the law to bring your own food and drink into a theater. They can search you if they suspect you are bringing in stuff you shouldn't. They also have authority to kick you out.

Against the rules, yes. Against the law? I think not. You won't get arrested for bringing candy into a movie theater.

CharresBarkrey 15

139 - They don't joke around about candy 'round here. I did 6 months in prison for bringing a Hershey's bar into the theaters. Pffft. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

That's strange, you really must've pissed him off. I snuck a huge duffel bag full of outside food into the movies before and didn't even get stopped.

CharresBarkrey 15

Not when the entire FML is in the past tense. It's poor grammar to change tenses. "Was," means nothing in this case.

jem970 19

I am sorry but you should have known better. The ticket sales go right to the company "leasing" the movie to the theater, so the concessions sold is the main profit of any theater. Also, bag searches are becoming common place due to the Colorado theater incident. I am sorry your boyfriend was so unprofessional about it though. But in this economy you do not want to lose your job. He was in the wrong but try and avoid his theater IF you can.

jem970 19

alright I apologize. it was a tragedy.

Hopefully the "was" means you dumped him. At first I would question why you would give your purse in the first place, but then I saw that you had given it to someone you thought you could trust. Then he confiscated your candy, which was bad enough, but he had no right to kick you out after he had taken the candy. You agreed to the search OP, you had no more candy, so you should have been allowed to go in. Since you didn't get to see your movie you can at least get the candy back.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Let me guess: Afterward, he blamed you for putting his job at risk. Sounds like he used what he knew of your habits against you. Would you have let any other ticket-taker search your purse? Sounds like time to clarify work-relationship boundaries.

ulquiorra102 10

That last sentence sort of implies that you were expecting some kind of special exception to the "no outside food" rule. Sorry, but I think YDI.

I thought they can only search your belongings of they suspect you have a gun or some type of threat. I get that outside food is frowned upon, but I'm sure that searching in a movie theatre for the sole purpose of food isn't legal.