By Cheyennereed - 17/02/2013 15:50 - United States - Shaw A F B

Today, while on my way to the movies, I stopped at a gas station to pick up candy so I could avoid the high prices at the movies. The guy who tore my ticket asked for my purse, confiscated my candy, and then kicked me out of the movie theater. That guy was my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 680
You deserved it 9 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow what an ass. Maybe he was angry because you were going to the movies without him?

wlddog 14

Some rules are just meant to be broken.


hope you learned your lesson. Don't cheat the system.

How do mom and dad feel about this nice young man have told you he's a winner yet?

Were u at the movies with another guy?

You so deserve it!!!! Rules are rules & a job is a job. He didn't want to lose his job over your cheap ass. The rest of us pay for movie snacks, what makes you any better? We work hard for our money, everyone does but the rest of us don't break the rules to save a dollar or two!

So tell me, who would want to spend 5-10 dollars on snacks on top of the 11+ dollars for a movie ticket? Unless you make good money, i think saving money by buying snacks at a convenience store is better than overpriced movie candy.

CharresBarkrey 15

When one movie ticket is $10.50, I'm not going to spend $5 for a ******* box of candy that takes me 10 minutes to eat. I'll go to a grocery store and get an even bigger box of candy for $2.50. That's not "breaking the rules," that's being smart.

I have to pay for snacks! I was raised to be moral & honest! Everyone else should pay too! Snacks & drinks are the main money makers for theaters! They make crap on the ticket price!

The-A-Teen, I do & yes, we're older & have plenty of money but it wasnt always that way & I have always paid for whatever I get!

wow, that's really bad! I get that you shouldn't do it, but your boyfriend?? I hope he isn't that anymore!!

Lol he technically didn't have the right to look in your purse

Suaria 38

Looks like someone won't be getting any tonight :P

shows he wanted to be a douche and show the "power" he had at his job. Fact is if we all go to a place our friend, family, or boyfriend/girlfriend work we expect special privileges, I guess he wanted to show you that you're just another customer. Smh

Axel5238 29

Most people do not expect special privileges and particularly not when it can get the person fired.

I know a lot of people who are friends with people in the theatres, coffee shops, market, restaurant, etc you name it, once they know their friend is working there and get something free or even a discount sadly they'll take advantage. One of my ex-friends was a douche. She used one of her so called friends to get access to the hotel she worked in. I'm not saying everyone is like that but some people feel connections as a privilege and don't think about their friends or family's career as a casualty