By lissysue1 - 12/07/2012 19:23 - United States - Green Bay

Today, while making out with my boyfriend, I realized he was opening his mouth wide a lot. At first, I thought he was trying to French-kiss me. He was actually yawning through the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 887
You deserved it 4 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could be worse. My first kiss involved the girl trying to shove her tongue as far into my mouth as she could.


shutyourmouth12Z 7

He wasn't board of you he just likes to keep his mouth wide open ;)

Good thing he wasn't a slab of wood. Jeez, that would have been awkward.

All these kissing tips and stories make me feel like im at an educational part of FML

Obviously, he was attempting to suck out your soul.

Emily9352 13

Well, the guy was tired. Let him sleep instead of making out.

Yawning doesn't necessarily mean you're bored, it just means your brain needs more oxygen..!

iipinkette 16

Atleast he didnt sneeze...?

hateevryone 14

Lol!!!!!!!!! you can yawn while kissing?