By nela25 - 30/07/2013 17:51 - United States - Utica

Today, while I was eating cereal, my mother thought it would be appropriate to grab the bowl and start spoon-feeding me while making airplane noises, again. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 373
You deserved it 8 794

nela25 tells us more.

nela25 23

I'm actually just visiting my mom over the summer, since I'm off from college. I burst out laughing when she did this, and thought this post would make people smile. There's nothing bad about what she did. So before some of you start making assumptions saying I'm a cranky old fart and what not, take a reality check and shut that smart ass mouth of yours. Good day.

Top comments

This is so wrong. She obviously needs to do car noises, not plane noises. That way she can honk if you refuse to open your mouth.

This takes the "always my baby" thing way too far... Be thankful it's not diapers :/


Darren22 12

it's cute she misses the baby you :)

I hope she was just playing around... O.o

Demographics show 90% of FML users get spoon fed daily. NOT playing around.

Bitch please what happened to feeding with the choo choo?

Your mother sounds awesome, I wish my mom would do that. I guess once a baby, always a baby, right?

colvindj 22

It's your mother dude, just go with it and enjoy a second of childish fun.

TheCaramelKing 11

Drive her past an old folks home, tell her that's her future.

But what if OP's mom drives her past a shelter home and tells her that that's OP's future? Didn't think about that, did you?

^ LOL, I love The Golden Girls....SOPHIA FTW!!!!

^ That would have been Dorothy not Sophia that said that.

You should try doing it to yourself just might make you laugh.

No amount of money can buy a mother's love... Unless you are talking about the cereal XD

graceinsheepwear 33

40, they are talking about a fetish.

42 - Never heard of that kind of fetish before. Perhaps I need to widen my **** horizons ;).