By patrickalamo - 14/06/2011 14:23 - United States

Today, while driving in a funeral procession I was distracted, missed my turn and yelled "God dammit!" I'm the funeral director; the Priest was in the car with me as I led the funeral the wrong way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 555
You deserved it 40 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twixxone 4

i bet the priest gave you some ugly looks and you will be in his prayers


just_cr1s 4

That's probably the highlight of the priest's live. Maybe the dead's too.

Now you are on the road to Hell, OP. What an FML. Hilarious.

Stop doing "bible readings" before you conduct a funeral. Yes it burns well but there is other alternatives. Try the good 'ol communion wine next time.

Damn that sucks, that's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is an unpardonable sin. Good luck with that.

it would hav been funny if the priest went "wtf are you doing"

misslex 0

no the funeral industry is a trade not a profession.