By patrickalamo - 14/06/2011 14:23 - United States

Today, while driving in a funeral procession I was distracted, missed my turn and yelled "God dammit!" I'm the funeral director; the Priest was in the car with me as I led the funeral the wrong way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 555
You deserved it 40 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twixxone 4

i bet the priest gave you some ugly looks and you will be in his prayers


deefan101 11

this just made my day!!! thanks for the laugh! 

hotair10 9

so Patrick, what happened? lol did they just ask you what happened? or did you get a serious talk?

at least there was a priest next to you to take your confession.

stewpididiot 11

good thing you didn't turn down a dead end street.....

You shouldn't have been distracted in the first place then you could have avoided misleading the funeral and therefore avoided cussing in front of a priest. YDI.

I don't see a problem here god isn't real so saying god damnit in front if a guy who thinks someone is real but has never saw him isn't a bad thing

glimitless 0

yu shudnt make fun of funerals

the police cannot really yell at me, I write each of them a $150 check for 1.5 hrs of work. I caused a dangerous situation.

noneya143 0