By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 18:11 - United States - Portland

Today, while cleaning my son's room, I found an envelope labelled "PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL" under his bed. I opened it, only to find it was a glitter bomb. I couldn't get it all cleaned off myself before he got home. He just said "HAH! Serves you right!" and went to his room smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 673
You deserved it 62 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's really hard to feel sorry for you here when you opened an envelope that wasn't yours. Especially one that said "private and confidential" as a last chance warning. Totally deserved it.

This is the biggest YDI i have seen in awhile


bossymaggot 13

Wish I would have thought of that but I don't thank I would of been walking for a while dad would of beat me like one of the boys tough love

You defiantly deserve it you took and opened something that wasn't yours, you were snooping! Why are you cleaning your sons room anyway he should do that not you.

Yeah that's karma for being a snooper

Who just labels something "Private and confidential"? Too much of a mom to see the set up.

hahahhahaha im sorry thats just hilarious. you made my night. thank you

amileah13 26

Hopefully you guys laughed about it later!

quarterbird 18

Not only do you deserve it, but I suspect that you have a habit of snooping and he left it there specifically to get back at you.