By Anonymous - 21/09/2015 17:47 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, when I woke up, one half of my face was smooth and clear and the other half looked as if I got slapped by the Hand of Puberty itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 890
You deserved it 1 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now is the time to embrace your inner villain and call yourself Two-Face. Avoid bats if possible.

Well mine are in the shape of a mustache rn so you're okay


pshtuthinkicare 19

That sucks, trust me I'd know. I don't know if this is the issue, but maybe you should try sleeping on your back and not let your face touch your pillow. Because the oils from your skin and hair get absorbed into the pillow, it could cause breakouts if your face comes in contact with the pillow. Anyway, don't worry too much. It's just acne :) everyone gets it.

Sounds as if you need to wash your pillow cases.

its most likely a nerve problem because i have the same thing, my left cheek grows hair alot faster than everywhere else

Wash yo pillowcases. Twice a week if need be.

Have you considered wearing the mask from Phantom of the Opera?

SouthMedic 11

The best way to prevent this is to wash your pillow case at least twice a week

Though washing your sheets is a good idea, if you'd recently done just that, you could possibly be having a reaction to the detergent (or scent booster, fabric softener, etc). Speaking from experience here. My family now uses "ALL free and clear", so no more Jekyll & Hydes at this house!