By CSPKrissi - 04/04/2017 04:00

Today, we got a new window washer in my office : a three-year-old, who decided the best tool for the job was his tongue. I'm the only one in the office willing to touch a bottle of glass cleaner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 240
You deserved it 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Give the kid a spray bottle with a mixture of white vinegar and water. He'll enjoy spraying it, the windows will get clean (at least the bottoms), and vinegar ain't gonna hurt him if he happens to lick it.

blink831forever 13

I don't understand why you are the only person in the building willing to touch the glass cleaner.


Give the kid a spray bottle with a mixture of white vinegar and water. He'll enjoy spraying it, the windows will get clean (at least the bottoms), and vinegar ain't gonna hurt him if he happens to lick it.

blink831forever 13

I don't understand why you are the only person in the building willing to touch the glass cleaner.

Maybe they don't want to stain their khakis or can't bend down in a pencil skirt? Actually, a lot of people just think they're too good for any kind of manual labor.

Stiggy626 25

I had the same response. "Oh God I have to wipe a window..."

Unless your job description includes window cleaning... don't clean the windows. What, are you your colleagues' personal cleaner?

Are you aware some companies and small stores don't actually have janitors and the employees take turns to do that ? My question is, why is a 3 year old licking windows and is no one supervising that kid ?

species4872 19

What's a 3 year old doing in your office? apart from the windows.

lezlgcy 0

Is the place of said business your home? And are your spouse, children or any other residents(sister wives, in-laws, any other family members)... said employees???

randybryant799 20