By Worsttreeever - 05/12/2009 05:15 - United States

Today, we brought our Christmas tree inside to decorate. We decorated it, then went out to dinner as a family. Returning 2 hours later, we came back to find our living room to be occupied. Not with people. The tree had been filled with baby spiders, and they were all over the living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 404
You deserved it 3 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments


TiniMartini 0

and this is why we have a fake tree

LaVelle 0

Jesus Christ! Whoever sold you that tree should definitely have to give you a refund, PLUS any extermination fees you might end up having to pay. Unless you chopped it down yourselves, in which case, probably should have checked it.

lizzilla8297 2

ewwwwwwww! I love spiders, but not all over my living room! duccihdtgbnjd! yuk. your house will never be clean again.

Spiders are awesome. YDI for thinking its a bad thing.

FYL! If that happened to me, I'd go stay at a friend's house and send a haz-mat team to eradicate the house of all spiders. Creepyyy :/

Oh ny goodness I wouldn't even sleep there!

LarissaT18 18

I hate when people assume they're ur kids just because you're with them. People give me weird looks all the time if I'm walking around the store with my little sisters.

karatepasta 4

That happened to my neighbors. We woke up on Christmas Day and when we looked out the window we saw their Christmas tree, decorations and all, fly out their front door because there was a family of spiders living in it.