By inosehowthatgotthere - 10/02/2011 01:12 - United States

Today, the woman giving me a manicure found a booger under one of my fingernails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 352
You deserved it 52 567

Same thing different taste


Ewwwww grosss!! Sounds more like FHL than yours!

sceptic 1

You neasty shit, why would you want people to know about this????!!!!!

How disgusting! I hate nose pickers, you should be ashamed of yourself! An keep that finger out of your nose! YDI

ever heard of personal hygiene op? jeez.

Would've been worse if it wasn't yours.

Calm down people, sometimes you have to pick your nose if its irritating. Don't be so judgemental, like you've never done it before.