By rightinthekarma - 19/12/2012 15:26 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, the girl I dumped three years ago because she wouldn't take my band seriously is now a successful and rich environmental scientist. Meanwhile, I'm still unemployed, living with my parents, and can barely remember how to play a guitar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 986
You deserved it 82 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

Lol that's what you get for dumping her for a dumbass reason dude. YDI

BeforeItWasCool 12

In a way, YDI. It seems you were one of the idiots who had no backup plan just in case music didn't work out. But in another way, I respect you for attempting your dreams. Maybe try getting a stable job, and getting your life back on track, and one day maybe you could try again! Just keep a job, and another plan on the back-burner, just in case!


Things happen for a reason. You obviously needed to see that you need to get your life together & that you dumping your ex didn't stop her from moving forward. You must do the same. You don't have my sympathy this is self inflicted.

Do you care because you're feeling bitter?

You may have failed trying to become a rockstar, how about looking for a career within the music industry?

So creepy. Read his other FML from 2009 just earlier today... "Today, I told my girlfriend of eight months that if she didn't start taking my band's music seriously, we couldn't see each other anymore. She said fine, and I hugged her, but then she stood up and said 'I hope we can still be friends,' and walked out the door. FML"

Sinkhole 26

One is from Canada and the other from Australia, though.

Maybe he didn't put down his real location? Seems like too much of a coincidence...

Except you don't choose a location when you write an FML, it's detected for you. Breakups over garage bands are really common.

StephenStills 6

Don't look at this as a total failure, she may have won this round of the post-break up battle but you have a chance to turn around and make a comeback in the second! Get a job!

I'm sure she's very happy with your decision. For once.

ideasrule 13

A rich environmental scientist? I never thought that was possible. Scientists usually aren't poor, but they certainly don't earn as much as engineers or marketers, and I wouldn't call either of those "rich".

shan88 14

She would still be rich to him though? I mean he lives with his parents and doesn't have a job I'm pretty sure he would find a lot of people rich that aren't really?

Depends who you work for and your field. I'm interested in becoming an environmental scientist and although I think the average is about 60 k, I've read that some make over 100 k.

This is the only FML ive read that's a direct reference to a previous FML