By rightinthekarma - 19/12/2012 15:26 - Australia - Newcastle

Today, the girl I dumped three years ago because she wouldn't take my band seriously is now a successful and rich environmental scientist. Meanwhile, I'm still unemployed, living with my parents, and can barely remember how to play a guitar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 986
You deserved it 82 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PowerRussia 2

Lol that's what you get for dumping her for a dumbass reason dude. YDI

BeforeItWasCool 12

In a way, YDI. It seems you were one of the idiots who had no backup plan just in case music didn't work out. But in another way, I respect you for attempting your dreams. Maybe try getting a stable job, and getting your life back on track, and one day maybe you could try again! Just keep a job, and another plan on the back-burner, just in case!


Derpina_ 4

YDI!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Dumbfuck!!!!!!!!! Good for her for dumping your dead weight!

I'm glad she got away! She would be stuck at mom and pop's with you if she had stayed!


No one has ever deserved that more. Douche

she would have eventually dumped you anyway lol

awsumo 2

you were probably holding her back anyway

That is what is going to happen to my ex-boyfriend too!