By suosi - 26/07/2015 17:55 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, the crush I've had for months finally came over to my place for the first time. It didn't last long however, as I suddenly had to go to the ER for severe testicular pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 096
You deserved it 2 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She must've think you've gone nuts! In a serious note, hope she understands OP.


SquirrellyGirl 20

Ouch! Hope you are okay and she is understanding!

well she must not of had the same feeling hope your nuts heal from that kick

You must've been a little too excited to see her.

Jinxedluv 7

I didn't kick kick him in the balls

tiredofwaiting 25

Did she kick you in the nads or was it a medical problem? You should give us an update.

Can't decide whether FYL or YDI until I know whether she kicked you for being pervy or not...