How did your Thanksgiving go?

By Anonymous - 25/11/2022 10:00

Today, I’m going to have two Thanksgivings. One at my parents' for the first half of the day, then the other at my house. I let my boyfriend know beforehand about it, as well as my sister. She then told my mom about my plan and next thing I know, I got a phone call from mom that turned into her yelling at me for not staying all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did you mention your boyfriend? It was your sister who ratted you out for your conspiracy to ruin your Mom's Thanksgiving celebration. Are you one of those people who has to tell the world she has a boyfriend at every turn?

and now you know to not trust your sister. better now than never.


Why did you mention your boyfriend? It was your sister who ratted you out for your conspiracy to ruin your Mom's Thanksgiving celebration. Are you one of those people who has to tell the world she has a boyfriend at every turn?

and now you know to not trust your sister. better now than never.

Blimey14orangelizards 10

I get that it sucks to have a controlling mother like that - mine's the same. But I don't understand what your plan was - just randomly disappear halfway through the day at your parents' house? Or tell them on the day? Surely that would have made a worst argument?