By TheComedyAudio - 23/10/2016 17:13

Today, on my 18th birthday, I was mugged by 6 guys who beat the shit out of me and stole my phone and wallet. They could've just asked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 076
You deserved it 749

TheComedyAudio tells us more.

Holy ******* shit, this story got published. Anyway, the police weren't able to do anything because they all ran off and were wearing hoodies that covered their faces. The police officer was very kind and did the best he could. My nose is swollen and my eyes are heavily bruised, but other than that I should be fine within the next few weeks. Thanks yall c:

Top comments

I feel so bad for you. Hope you can still enjoy the rest of your day.. Happy birthday!

Honestly, who the hell clicks "You deserved it" on a story like this? Hope you're OK OP.


Wow, I'm sorry. Would it be possible to get your stuff back?

Depending on where you live, you could get a stun gun or taser.

Most states don't allow civilian firearm carry until they are 21 years old. Assuming OP is in the US.

Tasers generally have the same age limits as pistols (through not rifles or shotguns which are 18). Pepper spray is the best, because it's not a deadly or less than lethal weapon, so no restrictions.

Wow. Life just shoved all of adulthood straight down OPs throat in one day huh? Happy Birthday.

Happy birthday! Your childhood is over. It's all downhill from here ;P

STFU01 14

Did they punch you 18 times ;-)

allisonhart1 11

happy birthday, and I hope you get well soon. that's a horrible thing to do and I hope you get justice