By Jarool - 12/05/2014 19:41 - Canada - Red Deer

Today, my wife got all excited when she saw the elevator we were in had a feature to make it go sideways. I didn't have the heart to tell her they were the buttons to open and close the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 634
You deserved it 6 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Were you the one stuck in the elevator?

rocker_chick23 27
zarrie_carrie281 21

if u do. . . hope she doesn't go all solange on u:)

BeautifulChaos27 37

... why would you even WANT it to go sideways?

You should've played along and said "Don't push that button" :O

did she happen to be blonde? Because I know too many blonds who fit the dumb blond description

oh, you should have played along and video taped it.

The open/close buttons usually don't do anything…they're there to make you feel like you have more control

If only you were in the wonka factory...then you got all ways under the sun... I sure hope no one hits is them complains about why they are going up not to the side...