Great prank bro

By notlilien - 14/11/2018 15:30

Today, my boss created a WhatsApp group called "Forever Alone", added me and only me, and then left so that I could be the only person in the group. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 239
You deserved it 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was extremely immature and unprofessional of them. If you have an HR department, you should report your boss. If not, maybe consider finding another place to work where your boss will respect you.

Better, create a group for erectile dysfunction support group and invite him.


That was extremely immature and unprofessional of them. If you have an HR department, you should report your boss. If not, maybe consider finding another place to work where your boss will respect you.

Never call HR. They’re not your friend. You’d rather be Forever Alone than “friends” with the fake pro-corporate thugs.

it’s a joke. quit taking life so seriously all the time.

I doubt HR will be taking her seriously over that. They'll see it as tattle telling.

chris_lillo 15
weaboo 12
DraftHail614 17

Right? Grow some thick skin. But of course, we'll get downvoted into oblivion for telling the pansies that are this FML community to try realizing sticks and stones are a thing.

TheFMLman 5

lol i do that but i make my friends leave

Scootythedog 17

Make another and add people from hereto boost your spirits

bobsanction 18

Your boss is cold-blooded and hilarious.

Better, create a group for erectile dysfunction support group and invite him.

LadyRen 20

Add more people. Then you can be “together alone”

That was just mean and uncalled for. HR and then pay back time

Just go add his name and email to a animal **** website he'll get lots of emails 😈

Nothing like corporate bullying... and the FML community supporting it, mostly. And some people wonder where toxic work environments come from...