By WritingWrongs - 25/11/2012 13:28 - United States

Today, my step-mom threw out some of the "boxes of junk" in my room, because apparently, I'm a pack rat. I guess she and everyone else in my family won't be receiving those Christmas presents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 676
You deserved it 1 870

WritingWrongs tells us more.

But the dead bird I got this year was extra special!

Top comments

What right is she going in your room, anyway? Every girl knows you never touch a 'box' without asking...

HighlandShadows 48

I have a theory: Your mother knew they were Christmas presents and threw them out anyway. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but your mother is in fact the Grinch.


Why do u have Christmas presents at this late date anyways?

doglover100 28

Why don't people seem to understand that you don't throw away anyone's things without their permission.

Wow OP that had to suck! Think of this, at least you have a valid reason not to get her an other.

At moments like these i think we need a section for parents instead of just for kids

randybryant799 20

I find this confusing. Surely she could tell it wasn't junk. Does she not like you?