By AustinFFA - 22/01/2016 16:46 - United States - Agoura Hills

Today, my parents installed spyware on my computer after reading an article about teens ordering drugs from the deep web. Now I'm too afraid to watch porn because I don't want my parents to know when I'm jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 400
You deserved it 3 800

AustinFFA tells us more.

I'm allowed to watch it. I'm 16. It's just awkward that they know when I'm watching

Top comments

Do it anyway. Make them regret invading your privacy.


I'd recommend tor more than if recommend Google incognito, at least I know tor is private.

Use the phone instead, can get to both places of interest

dragoongirl90 34

Nice that they trust you that much.

As others have pointed out, incognito mode won't bypass 3rd party software. I do have a solution though, provided the software monitors just the computer (which is likely) and not the network itself...

Tell me, OP, what software was installed? If I can determine whether it monitors just the computer, not the network, then I have a fairly easy solution that will completely hide your activities from your parents, and they'll be none the wiser.

That probably wouldn't work depending on the type of software the parents used. The best way around any **** blockers, besides router based, is using a Linux distro that you boot into. To get around a router blocker, get your own router and connect it to the other one.

Why is your name Austinffa, doesn't he live in new York?