By Screw My Parents - 22/12/2015 04:45 - United States - Barrington

Today, my parents confirmed we were going to be taking a Disney World trip for Christmas vacation. I already knew that we were taking a trip, but I was now missing a week of school. Being in 3 honors and an A.P. class, I said that I didn't want to go. I got called an "ungrateful, little prick". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 295
You deserved it 8 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Coming from an honors and AP student since I was in middle school, go on the trip. You can make up the work, you can't make up the memories. It's worth it, trust me!

Kuibe 18

You sure have a lot more willpower than me to refuse a Disney world trip. I'm at Disney world right now for my make a wish and it's amazing I hope your able to go on the trip and keep up with your classes if possible!


momac86 17

Seriously? How ungrateful can you be!

If you look at it from your parents point of view, they informed you about it ahead of time during which you could have negotiated with your teachers. Also, yes you are missing school, but they most likely had to ask for days off as well which might be difficult to do for them. They paid for this pricey trip that could entail hotel, airfare, and tickets. Be sure to look at it from their POV as well OP.

I mean a trip to Disney for 3, depending on how you go about it, may cost you up to $2000. Maybe they're a bit sore in the wallet and angry that you just said "I don't want to go" to their non-refundable trip. Schools will give you your work in advance for these types of trips - you're smart, as you yourself have said, take the opportunity.

Let me translate, "Everyone on the Internet needs to know I'm in AP."

well at least you know that being in classes like that you cant afford to miss that long and you didnt say it in a rude manner

first of all being a teenager....HOW did you tell them? Were you being condescending? Were you trying to explain it to them? Also, can't you get some work done ahead of time? You said you knee about the trip, why didn't you prepare? congratulations on being a good student though. but I don't see parents being angry about that. Maybe it's your manner in which you told them.


I was in a similar situation in May, last year. There was a surprise trip to Disney World and I didn't want to go as much as everyone else. Mostly because of all the testing and things. I had two choir classes that would be rather difficult to make up and I missed the opportunity to get a very good solo in one of the pieces we were performing.

When your old and dying you won't regret putting off work; you will how ever have regrets. Skipping this trip may very well be one of them.

When I was a sophomore I was in 2 AP classes and 5 Honors, I missed a week of school for a family trip and I survived. It's not going to hurt you at all- you sound like a devoted student so go ahead and give yourself a break!