By Anonymous - 20/03/2016 06:24 - United States - Tucson

Today, my mother straight up admitted that she would murder me if God told her to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 049
You deserved it 1 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Varieus 30
sp00derman 23

if she offers you to join her on a mountain to make a sacrifice, don't join her!


Well she obviously is very fond of her imaginary friends

Run, and don't stop till she's long gone.

Religious people don't even really know what they believe in. They just believe in whatever god their parents believed in because that's the brainwash they had hammered into their head when they were young and they are simply not intelligent enough to break free. People fear death and they just want something, anything to believe in to ease their fear.

Abraham was told to do the same. He brought Isaac up the mountain and tied him so he could sacrifice him, but at the last second an angel came down and stopped him. It's called a test of faith.

TAntobella 14

Then you could kill her in rebirth and afterbirth, Isaac!

awildwhisper 30

I'd decorate my house in satanist symbols just for her.

Chase her with a knife and say that it is god's will.

Report her to CPS and the police. This is no longer acceptable behavior. People like Andrea Yates are no longer worshipped as prophets for killing their babbys who cannot fricht back? My pary are with the father. I am truly sory for your lots.

I'm pretty sure that God wouldn't tell anyone to kill a person... As far as I know.

TAntobella 14

You have never read the bible, haven't you?

I'm not a very religious person. But as far as I know God doesn't want anyone to kill their own children then. Or my school was just really bad... I went to a school that was Christian...