By liberatedwoman - 11/08/2009 14:57 - Oman

Today, my mother sat me down to tell me that since coming home from college, I sounded like "a liberated woman." She was disappointed and disturbed by this, and said that I should stop having strong opinions and ideals because it would make finding a husband for me difficult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 095
You deserved it 7 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

softbonez 0

Tell your mom to shut the **** up and that this isn't the 1950's.

Don't stop being "a liberated woman" everyone should use their brains and being willing to speak in a peaceful manor and have discussions on issues. Besides I would rather date a woman that can tell me that I am wrong and then we can discuss why I am wrong and find common ground. Keep it up, your doing the right thing.


Your mom probably thinks you live some thousand years ago. Enlighten her on the 21st century.

an_account 0

I empathise. I have family members who tell me that I shouldn't get too educated (I'm doing my masters) nor be opinionated lest I cannot find a mate.

haha! your mom is stupid to think that all women want in life is to "catch a man". don't get me wrong, I love my man. but he lives me for being an independant thinker as well as a lifemate.

If a guy can handle strong ideals then they shouldn't breed... more women need to be stronger with what they believe and should be heard instead of submitting to others. Your mom is trying to prevent progress, which is sad. Tell her that while she's making her husband a sammich, you'll be making something of yourself.

mrose57 0

Don't come home too often. Here's a question for your mom - if all you're supposed to do is get married, why even go to college? Is there a degree in husband hunting?

americayay 0

Actually, a lot of people DO go to college looking for an educated spouse. Not defending it, just saying that her mom may have just wanted her to go find a nice lawyer or something.

Tell mom that you and your lover have a drawer full of dicks, so neither of you has any need for a man.

YDI for not killing your mother while still in your crib. Or better yet, as you're coming out of the womb

Kiwi_Splash 0

Please bear with her for the fact that her ideals and rights were suppressed. It just kills her too much to see you have a voice. It's called jealousy. Keep doing what you do because you seem to be a very intelligent woman.

lmmmr 0

How can anyone read the comments on this thread and tell me that hate and discrimination against females does not exist?