By Trumpet - 28/06/2019 02:49

Today, my mom called me again to whine about what she heard about Trump on the news. I don't like him either and often agree with her, but she does this every 20 minutes so she can update with me. She's done this since he took office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 813
You deserved it 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Matthew Irmen 11

Tell her to change the channel... I’d recommend Cartoon Network

Your the one letting her do this. Maybe not answer the phone, or ask her to do less. It is your choice too.


Matthew Irmen 11

Tell her to change the channel... I’d recommend Cartoon Network

Your the one letting her do this. Maybe not answer the phone, or ask her to do less. It is your choice too.

Sonotsuave 35

Lmaooooo there must be a lot then like thousands of news to share

Just be glad you still have your mother with you to talk to. Talking to you about Trump is important to her, just like she used to listen for hours to you talk about things that were important to you when you were younger. Do you really think she wanted to talk for hours on end about rocks and worms?

manb91gb 15

I don't believe it... Trump is actually bringing families closer together...

Well - it is a full-time job to keep you updated on all Trump's stupidities. Maybe she could just make a note when he does something stupid, and fill you in once a day. Or just tell you about his bigger stupidities. That would reduce the phone calls to maybe one pr hour.

Maybe we’re gaining the purpose we lacked in 2016 that allowed the asshole to waltz into the office (or did he kazatzke?)

Positive outcome of trump office.. family connections and communication at regular intervals!!

bl3ur0z3 17

At least she's not calling you to tell you how great he is. Though then you could have her committed.