By emancipate me - 15/05/2016 19:59 - United States - Knoxville

Today, my mom was in a really bad mood, so I stayed in my room to avoid her. It didn't take long before she barged in and started bitching about my dog, who'd pissed her off by acting too happy. Yes, she's actually that insane, and I have to deal with it on a daily basis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 219
You deserved it 1 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then, it's a good thing that you atleast have your dog to cheer you up through such days... :)


If you didn't leave an ocean away from me I would've asked if you were my sibling. Alas, there are more crazy mothers out there.

I feel your pain, OP. My dad constantly bitches about my mom's Jack Russell Terrier (which is a naturally hyper breed) being "too happy".

Sounds like a highly toxic environment. How soon can you move out?

Don't feel too bad..i have the same type mother!! Smfh

pacman490 21

My mom's insane too. After a while, she finally got it through her skull that I'm too old for her to mess with me like that. Still living at home with her at 26 though.