By Anonymous - 22/03/2015 09:52 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, my mom got drunk and started crying at my after-wedding party, after promising she'd behave herself. She thinks my husband is an awful person who'll drag me into a life of sin, all because he has a tattoo and an ear piercing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 079
You deserved it 2 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So much hate against tattoos and piercings like it somehow represents who the person is on the inside. Horrible.

don't listen to her, she obviously doesn't make great decisions herself.


So much hate against tattoos and piercings like it somehow represents who the person is on the inside. Horrible.

Isn't the tatoo supposed to represent the person? What if it was a naked chick on a motor cycle?

She's complaining about a life full of sin while she's drunk....the irony

Ramos808 29

The profile picture makes your comment so much better!

Well... drunk isn't good. So you shouldn't expect her to be reasonable while drunk.

the most honest person is an alcoholic

psychopolarbear 28

well #3, I would hope that I could reasonably expect my mother not to get so drunk at my wedding/after-wedding party that she starts spouting insults about how much of a sinner my husband is.

rocker_chick23 27

It doesn't matter what kind of piercing, the mother was way out of line

don't listen to her, she obviously doesn't make great decisions herself.

Swandive235 27

Ouch, not a great situation.

the many effects of an open bar at weddings.

And she waited until now to tell you how she felt about him? I feel you should try talking to her and see if you can show her that piercings and tattoos are just another art form. And if that doesn't work, maybe get a tattoo yourself Congrats on getting married by the way!

Are you my long lost sister? Because apparently we share the same mother. Sorry, girl. I'm feeling it with you.

It annoys me that people think like this. You need to sit down with her and explain things, and if that doesn't work it may be time to pull away as shitty as that sounds. I wonder how your husband feels about the whole thing. I would say have a sit down with all three of you together and talk it out but I'm afraid that your mom might think you guys are covering or whatever ******* crazy ass parents think.

jazzy_123 20

why would she need to go as far as pulling away? Just because she feels that way doesn't mean that she's a bitch to him when she's sober, and even if she was, Ops husband could be a great man and just let the mom talk and hold it in. My mom says some mean things about my bf but he loves me so much that he bites his tongue and shows his face at my house once a week just to be with me. All that just so I won't ever have to pull away from my family. Relationships are sacrifice.

relationships are about compromise not sacrifice!

jazzy_123 20

yes that's true. I was gonna edit and add "and compromise" but I was at work and my break was over. If my point didn't get across because of one sentence then oh well.