By Anonymous - 22/12/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, my mom and I had to shovel our driveway after an epic snowstorm that left us with 22 inches of snow. We only needed to dig out my mom's car and not mine. After we did all that work and shoveled all the snow onto the side where my car was we found out my mom had a flat tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 960
You deserved it 3 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you can shovel driveways, dig out cars, but not change a tire?'s 4 or 5 bolts, and all the shit is in your trunk...

I'll bet you felt rather deflated after all of that.


YDI FOR SAYING EPIC! and I got 26 inches XD

iheartredbull8 0

most cars have donuts sure they dont handle great in the snow but if you really need to be out that bad they take 10 -15 mins to put on

if it just dumped 22 inches why are you trying to drive

zzyber 4

then change the tire or whine some more...either way you're an "epic" tool...

IMO you should have shoveled the snow NOT ON YOUR CAR. We had 22 inches of snow in our area, and we made sure when we shoveled that both our vehicles could get out.

you should've just proposed instead of asking her what she thought 'bout it

okmankk 4

that epically fails thx for using epic in your post. I feel happy now

Change the tire...not trying to be stereotypical but look it up online if needed