By Tali - 28/07/2011 06:18 - Australia

Today, my husband threw out all of the spices in the cupboard. When I asked him why he said, "Our cat was named Spicy and I can't stand to look at them." Our recently deceased cat's name was Dicey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 676
You deserved it 3 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xShannonxSammyx 7

So... FML I don't have any more spices, or FML my husband can't remember our dead cat's name?

RebornProblem 0

Was he high the entire lifetime of your cat?


Oh no! I hope he doesn't throw out all your knives now.

kaykay20 0

Why didn't he just put them in a drawer or cupboard instead of wasting it all?

FahKinSuhPah 4
justanotherbird 19

Hopefully he didn't throw out the Melange too!

why throw out food? he could have just not opened up the spice cabinet. all the cooking will be bland.

Inspired22 11

Oh man, that sucks! Spices are expensive! Not to mention your husband's behavior...hope everything is okay!

How in the entire life of your cat did he not know its name?

likerawrandstuff 0

I Think They Are Both Potheads XD Im Cool with That.