By Anonymous - 03/06/2013 20:55 - France - M?rignac

Today, my girlfriend woke me at 5am, just to say how great it was that I could still sleep two more hours before leaving for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 356
You deserved it 5 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't the feeling of knowing you have more time to sleep one of the best feelings ever though?!?

yoloswagg54 9

FYL, falling back asleep is impossible for me :(


How considerate of her she deserves thank you satisfaction

Yeah, the satisfaction of a black eye/pimp slap. :-p

If my old lady did this to me, she wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning:)

Should of ****** her ass that would of kept her from doing that again

Lol that sounds like something that would happen in a tv show XD Girls; were idiots XD

Do that to her next time. She will understand the pain.

onorexveritas 23

atleast you knew how much time you had left

Allennis44 16

Might as well ask her to chop the morning wood then.

Quiet_one 22

Oh man, there are a lot of things I'll tolerate, but messing with my sleep is not one of them. If my boyfriend did that I'd be pissed- more than once and I'd dump his ass. That's some grade A passive aggressive crap. I had a roommate like that once- that friendship did not survive.