By slayerdeath - 20/05/2012 05:19 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, my girlfriend went in for a kiss too fast and broke my front tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 615
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well sir, that is indeed unfortunate. I hope her dad is a dentist.


Peatothesea 0

YDI for having weak bones. :p

Peatothesea: YDI for making up a piece of information to click YDI. Douchebag...

pajamasam13 0

That happened to me... I still have a chipped tooth as a reminder of him -_-

RawEndo 1

39- nope just walking home after a night out by myself. 83 - no I don't, also when I grow a full beard all of the hair goes in the same direction so it looks like I brush it!

mccoole727 13
gracevet88 0

My cousin put a coffee mug by my face and somehow my tooth got chopped on it

gracevet88 0

I chipped my tooth on a coffee mug my cousin shuved in my face. And my bro broke two teeth on a dresser. The teeth marks r still there