By nottelling7012 - 29/08/2010 04:21 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend of six months broke up with me because of 'creative differences', as she put it. The real reason is that we couldn't decide which cupboard the plates should have gone in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 025
You deserved it 4 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

You should have tied her to the fridge and made her watch you put the plates in random cupboards.


she dumped u cuse she found someone who ***** her better. if u were ****** her good all ur creative indifferences wouldn't matter

I'm sure it had everything to do with how you argued with her and not the subject itself. Most of the time people are more upset about what and how things are said then the initial disagreement. If you focus on the fact that you broke up over 'where to put the plates' - your probably totally missing the point and doomed to repeat this in your next relationship. That's what I think anyway. Now if she really was upset about the plates - your better off. Seriously.

dbounds 0

You cannot win in a debate with a woman. If the debate lasts a little bit, give up and agree. D:

quinz 4

I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences.... He saw himself as alive, and I saw him dead!

has anyone else realized this wouldn't apply as a creative difference... maybe irreconcilable differences but creativity, no matter how creative it could be, has nothing to do with organizing a cupboard :/ I'm just saying...

thescyphozoa 6

You should have just let her put them where she wanted them.

If that's the real reason she dumped you than your better off without her anyways (:

I hate it when people say 'You will be better off without her' because who ever says it usually doesn't know anything about the situation. For all you know he could be really upset about losing her and he may be considering killing himself or anyone else that he may blame(Which is probably why he posted a FML). ^NiceGuyz^

If this trivia escalated to the point of a breakup, the relationship was doomed anyway. My frank opinion was that a lot of grief has been saved, and it's really your lucky day.

Thats retarded. Seriously... Why would you break up with someone over that, atleast as a couple talk your stuff out. Maybe she found someone else, and that was an excuse for not being with you. Im sorry though, You'll pull through.