By Christian - 28/09/2013 15:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. We are on a cruise together. She has already found another room to sleep in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 795
You deserved it 3 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better than having to share a room with her.

Grootensliven 10


Well have fun you're on a cruise. Make sure she knows you are better off than her.

Sounds like you got shafted my friend. She is not worth the effort. Move along. There are many fish in the sea

Well at least you can flirt… but so can she.

She is just "breaking up" with you so she can be with other guys. I would put a grand down that she will want to get back together when it's over. Hopefully you're not that dumb though haha. She sounds like a grade A piece of trash.

Wow how was she able to find another room so fast? I thought everybody on a cruise is usually attached

fabricatedego 5

I hope you drove to the launch site and can leave her there.

Obviously she wasn't worth the bullshit for don't worry about it karma has a funny way of coming back around

llnursingll 10

I'll go on a cruise with you!!!! lol jk but have fun on the cruise I've heard many wild stories ;-)

cruises are full of fun for single people, you can have a different girlfriend every night! don't get caught up over a ****, there's plenty of fish in the sea and you're at sea.