By jakeson12 - 24/11/2012 00:38 - United Kingdom - Dundee

Today, my "friend" thought it'd be absolutely hilarious to use my phone to text my girlfriend, bragging that I'd found a new "slampiece" and that she's "fukcin dumpd". Now I'm single, her dad keeps making threatening calls to me, and nobody will even listen to my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 925
You deserved it 3 532

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucious306 7

Never let friends use your phone. Sometimes they play around too much


Well, maybe you need to rethink your life. Obviously people believe you could be the type of person who would write those sort of texts. If you are hanging around with people who would pull that sort of crap, and the one person who should know you better than that (your girlfriend) obviously assumes you would call her a "slampiece" then you don't have the sort of life people respect.

What's there to explain..."I'm a **** sucking mother ****** who wants to **** up my friend's relationship." He's a prick. End of story.

I'm pretty sure her dad can get arrested for harassment if he makes constant threatening phone calls.

I'd sit you, your ex girlfriend and the friend down and all explain what happened. If she loves you she will be willing to listen. If not, she wasn't worth it.

why are you friends with someone like that?

Should have put a lock on your phone for one, secondly you need to go above and beyond to get your girl back, if she's worth it to you, show up to her place beg for her forgiveness, show her she's everything to you. If you don't wanna put the work in don't complain she's gone. Also you could just use your friends phone to text her and say it was him and that he's sorry etc.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You need to beat the crap out of your "friend." And keep calling if you really care about her. And phone lock for the future.

This is precisely why you should have a pass code for your phone and ALWAYS use it.