By catlady1989 - 10/05/2009 19:01 - United States

Today, my friend had to take my cat who has a tumor to be put down when I wasn't home since I couldn't bear to take him myself. I have two cats. He took the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 480 397
You deserved it 70 856

catlady1989 tells us more.

You people are so cruel. They were indentical except collar color. I said which one and he still messed up. My normal vet was closed because of Mothers day so the pound was the one to do it. I can't believe some of the things you people are saying... it is so hurtful... and both my cats did end up being put down...

Top comments

omg! that's absolutely awful! Why didn't you specify

Wow.... Something tells me you aren't friends anymore.


@31 A good vet would still check to make sure it's sick and you're not just bringing in someone's cat as revenge for something or something like that... @32 Why is it dumb to have two cats that look alike...? @OP Oh god that absolutely sucks D: I really don;t know what else to say other than I'm sorry for your loss >

ombrelle 0

hahahahaha all of these are making me laugh!!! People actually believe it! and #135 is right... #96 has a different name but clearly they are both old cat ladies! hahaha... They check the animal before it is put down! I'm going to keep coming back to laugh! hahaha

One cat person to another - I'd give you a hug now if I could! That's awful! You told your friend the right cat, and he took the wrong one... I hope he's a good person otherwise, because I don't know how I'd ever look at that person again if it was me. I need to go hug my cat...

jyako666 0

Sorry, but I call BS. Unless both of your cats look exactly the same and are of the same gender, the vet would have known instantly which one was which. Their physical description is put into the chart along with all their other information (medical history, vaccines, etc.) and would have been checked before anything else to prevent this kind of incident.

The vet should have remembered the cat and its gender. He also should have checked if it still had the tumor. I smell BS.

That's what you get for being so selfish, you should have been there for your kitty.

I'm sorry, while this does suck that you ended up having both put down, you did kind of deserve it, if you're gonna get a pet such as a dog or a cat, you're gonna have to be ready for a situation like that to come where they may have to be put down. It sucks and it's sad to see a pet getting put down, but you're gonna have to be ready for the chance that it may happen.