By Anonymous - 18/10/2010 05:28 - United States

Today, my fiancé proposed to me. I was really excited until he asked, "Can we go halfsies on the ring?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 128
You deserved it 5 731

Lol_0127 tells us more.

I'm the OP. Let me clarify a few things. He's not suffering finacially. He makes $60,000 a year. I make $20,000. He bought a $3000 ring which was more than enough for me. It's beautiful. I don't want a massive rock. I don't spend all his money. I support myself. We live together. I pay half the rent

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Wow I am so dumb. When I first read this FML, I thought it meant to half the ring and have half each. I read 5 comments until I realized what it really meant. I am a total failure.


I am getting sick and tired of all the people knowing what others are supposed to do. Life is too damnshort to spend it trying to please everyone and always putting yourself last. BF is not her ATM and she is not his slave. If she accepts him as he it is her choice. If he thinks it is appropriate to suggest to do halfsies - than so be it. What is the point of getting married in the first place? To have someone to share your misery with? Are we so damn afraid to face the world on our own without illusions?

oNisao 21

Just a ring >.> I really don't believe in that a ring should represent someone's love.

esb77 8

I went halfsies on my engagement ring, but we were fine with it. Nothing with that. :)

Well you obviously said yes so it is not like the question affected your decision.

poor people problems. wanna get married, only have enough to go dutch on the ring

My wife bought both of our rings because she had the credit to get the layaway to go through. Nothing wrong with working together to pay for them...I mean everything else will be 50/50 any way.

You can still be engaged without a ring.

I feel like that's completely fair since she's the one going to be wearing it. I find it utterly unfair and stupid that usually the norm is for guys to pay in full for their significant others ring. if that were me I'd buy a ring under 100 easily because I find the whole idea of a ring to be archaic and useless when telling someone ur in love with them and want to spend the rest of ur life with them